It will be with you every breath,till your last breath"
the most natural thing for man,the breed we known as a "homo.sapiens" is Death.As we know it inevitable.It has to come and it will come.As a physical fact,death is easily understood.It is departure of the life force from the body.What has animated a handful of earth as it were,is gone.What is left is dross.Is that the end of "MAN" What is man? How did he come to be. Who created him and
Who is the"CREATOR".
What should be the relationship between him and his "CREATOR".
Animal do not ask these question question;
Man the thinking animal,does. Man is not satisfied with loving without knowing.
As said by "Brahma"
" Naham manye suvediti no na vediti vedacha" means
I think i not that i know him well, or that i know him,or even that i know him not.
"What the most wonderful fact in the world" asked by the "YAKSHA"
'O yaksha', "We see our fellow beings dying around us every moment and yet the living think they never will die.That, surely,is the most wonderful fact of all!"
Death holds terror to many,for variety of reasons;facing death come hardest for those who linger in bed but for it is unknown cause for anxiety and misery. I want to know the answer,instead of wondering why?The only thing that is true in this world is death,for some its the "beginning" and for some "its the end" its a topic that is being debated from the beginning and it will go on till eternity;;;;;;;
The chasm of death only obstructs our view.Our sorrow due to our foolish refusal to see and believe that what comes next is self existent,unborn and not subject to change death and decay.Life is like a manuscript,one can search for missing pages. Who am i? From where i have come and what the purpose of life? You are here because you were somewhere else.You move from the known to the unknown,from visible to invisible and from the seen to the unseen. No human being can live without doing karma but when he performs the "Karmas" he has to reap the fruits.If we learn to reduce all our desires to a point zero,all our motivations will be over and there will be no karma.There will be no Bondage and the human being will not be in a bonds for the fruits of his 'Karma'.Attachments seems to be the mother of all miseries.
"The wise one" said YAMA,"Is neither born,nor does he die.He is unborn,constant,eternal,primeval".
Why "GOD",if there is a "GOD",in His infinite grace does not spare the soul its endless birth and the deaths and gives it peace is not, again, explained in any meaningful way . Why having created a soul, should "GOD" turn it over to a treadmill-like future? Why should "GOD" create man and then endow him with senses and tell him not in the "Gratification of the senses, but in his disciplining them,lies Salvation."
For action without detachment has its inevitable effects.This is the law of karma. According to the principle of Karma,there is nothing uncertain or capricious in the moral world. We reap what we sow. Action and reaction are equal and opposite which is the same as the second law of dynamics. In that sense,every little action-any action-has its effect. When does that effect, reaction, as it were , cease to operate? With death?There cannot be any carryover for the simple reason that there is no future life. But if there is future life, if the soul is indeed reborn, if the chain of life-death-life continues without end, then it is possible to assert that whatever we do in our present life will have its natural and inevitable repercussion in a later life and that the only way in which to stay the reaction is to reduce the chances of reaction to zero.and the debate stiillllllllll goes on..........................."Life is ecstasy and Death is eternity"