Wednesday, July 4, 2007

******* Controversial _______Maniac***********

why its me,who have to see
even i wants to be free
Ok! Tell me what you want me to be

All my childhood I have seen violence
still I always kept my silence,
surrounded by "Maniac"
How you want me to Act?
why you made me like this,
There was a time I belive in your presence
but after all that shit,I started questioning your existence,
now I dont agree
so you called me a "Nazi"

What's my education
I am a boy in transformation
becoming a "rebel" and
waiting for my "revolution"

God! bless my mother and grandmother
give all the pain to me,
not to other...
I remember the first time I was beaten by my Father
It was not my fault ,
but noone bother.........

I was born and brought up by anger and rage
always felt like I am in a "Cage"
my parents never understand me
so they dont know how to raise me ????????.......................
and thats why they labelled me as a "Crazy"
there was lot of thing that I lack......
and I always feel someone is on my back
and why the "FUCK" I should justify!!!!!!!!!
May be thats why
they called me a "Maniac"
and I lost the track

This is the 21st century,full of fury..
There are lot of people like me
there are lot of thing we like to see,
even "Maniac" like me, want "peace"!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you guys ever look in our face
this fucking world is going in a diffrent pace
there will be a day,when there will not be
a single human trace......

Come sit and talk to me
all Maniac came and see
Now I am sitting alone with a glittering knife
just thinking of taking my life
But wait!!!!!!!
why should i do that?????????
its not my fault,thats a fact

So, I am thinking whta to do
because its not me,then its must be "you"
You know how much I loved you
You ripped me to my bone marrow
and I am a "maniac" not a "Pharaoh"

I am disciple of "Lucifer"
No,he is not a Devil
He is the angel who fell
to become the ruler of "Hell"
He is the one who is fallen from heaven
and He is the "son of Dawn"
and he haven't done anything wrong
the name "Lucifer"
are made of two words
"Lux" and "Ferre"
means "light" and "to bear"
So it means bearer of the light
So he pay more attention in the night

People ignored me I dont like it
and none listens to me,
Now I dont tries to find it
I dont go back home,
It dont mean shit
Its feel like yesterday,
Whenever I think of that
So,What I am?????????
Whats the "Fact"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes,I belive all you will say

and the controversy still continues !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My Unfinished Life said...

i had all the rage long back.....full of it..used to tear up my soul and guts...i was angry for being labelled "different" i was my foolishness...for not accepting me the way i was..and wanting acceptance from people around am at peace...and i love the way i am..different or not......
very nicely written post...i see bit of my past feelings.. in those words....