Friday, February 1, 2008

I am afraid

my dear god,

you cannot understand it.

By any possible means you say and

I perfectly belive you.

you think i am going insane ?

It may be so but not for the reasons which you suppose.

Oh! you dont understand me..

I am afraid.

it seems like my fear is a result of

masturbation of long and thoughtful planning.

I am afraid of myself ,

afraid of that horrible sensation

of comprehensible fear

above all I am afraid of my own

dreadful thoughts of of my reason,

which seems as if it were to about to leave me

driven away by a mysterious & invincible agony

I am frightened merely beacause

I cannot understand my own terror.

If I speak I am afraid of my own voice.

I close my eyes in despair and

remain thus for indefinite time