Strength is recognizing that you need help
And asking for it
Strength is when no matter how hopeless the battle looks
You will never forfeit
Strength is letting down your guard
And taking a chance
Strength is asking the one person you secretly admire
To just one dance
Strength is going on
Even when you don't have the will
Strength is going to the extreme
Not just for the thrill
Strength is doing what's right
No matter what it will cost
Strength is asking for help
When you are completely and utterly lost
Strength is letting people get close
And giving them the ability to hurt you
Strength is not just saying what people want to hear
But saying what is true
Strength is never giving up
No matter how hopeless things seem
Strength is making reality out of
Your every hope and dream
Strength is being able to let go
And finally say goodbye
Strength is recognizing
That it's always okay to cry
Strength is being able to laugh
In the face of fear
Strength is going down the path you're on
No matter how drear
Strength is recognizing
When you need to let the one you love go
Strength is letting
Your true feelings show
Strength is being able to move on
And learn from your mistakes
Strength is being true to yourself
Even when everyone else are fakes
Strength is finally letting
The one that you love know
Strength is recognizing your mistakes
And using them to grow
Strength is scaling every mountain
No matter how high
Strength is freeing your soul
And letting your spirit fly
Strength is the ability to forgive
No matter what the crime
Strength is forgiving and forgetting
All of the time
Strength is in not following the crowd
But embarking on your own
Strength is knowing that you're never perfect
But merely partly grown
Strength is never giving up
Even when all odds are against you
Strength is always finding the time
To do what you've got to do
Strength is sticking up for
The person everyone picks on
Strength is always looking at the pro
And never at the con
Strength is knowing who you are
And who you want to beS
trength is found in everyone
In you . . . in her . . . in me.
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