I say thank you to myself, to my Rebel not to live in an inconceivable façade. Beyond imagination, that is the countenance of God. Thanks to the rebel inside me for not letting the despair breached inside, thanks for the inquisitiveness that never comprehend. What human minds cannot contain. To look upon God’s glory would drive a mortal man insane. Its only human arrogance, which would lead a person to believe and try to put a face which even prophet cannot perceive. Just wanted to let you know how special inside you make me feel. You are always there when fearfully I attempt to flee, you are always there I am only me. When I slumber you did not close your eyes, you are my fanciful illusion a soul that lived beyond the sleep, you are the musician with the melody of his scars. Your song is heard on mountains high, by angels, fallen from the sky. I didn't have to wonder long, before I was drawn toward a light.The brightest light I'd ever seen. It was a strangely familiar sight. I see you my rebel, alone you greet eternity. Into the emptiness you fade, where we will share the destiny. Of all of ours fellow renegades
Thank You Rebel
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